The Law of Moses vs. the Law of Christ?
An exegetical article on the meaning of "law of Christ" in Galatians 6:2 and 1 Corinthians 9:21
Yesterday, I published a new article on my website, where I explore the meaning of the expression “law of Christ” in Galatians 6:2 and 1 Corinthains 9:21. The article is a bit technical, but I wanted to highlight how there is a “growing scholarly consensus” that the expression refers to the law of Moses in some sense.1 I was surprised to learn this fact recently, and I have been so excited to let everyone know!
In the article, I critique the traditional approach, which frequently understands this expression to refer to something that replaces or supersedes the law of Moses. (The New Testament simply does not allow for that option, as I explain.) Then I offer an alternative interpretation of the phrase. My view is that “law of Christ” is the law of Moses as it is taught and exemplified by Christ. This meaning makes the most sense in the context of the two passages in which this expression occurs.
If you enjoy these types of long and technical articles (I assume you do if you’re subscribed to my newsletter!), then I invite you to head on over to my website to give it a read. At some point soon, I will also do a video on this topic. I’ll be sure to let you know when I do.
I hope you enjoy the article!
Todd A. Wilson, “Law of Christ,” Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, 2nd ed. (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2023), 624.